Tea Facts

Does Barley Tea Have Caffeine?

Barley Tea Caffeine

Welcome to our article about barley tea! If you’re wondering about the caffeine content in barley tea and the benefits it offers, you’ve come to the right place.

Barley tea, also known as Korean barley tea or roasted barley tea, is a popular drink in Korea, Japan, and China. It is made from roasted barley and is believed to provide various health benefits, including weight loss, blood sugar regulation, digestive relief, and improved male fertility.

However, it’s important to note that scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. One thing we can confirm is that barley tea is completely caffeine-free, which makes it a suitable alternative if you’re looking for a low-caffeine or caffeine-free beverage.

Barley tea is brewed from roasted barley grains and does not contain any leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant, like traditional teas. So if you’re looking for a caffeine-free herbal tea option, barley tea might be the perfect choice for you.

What is Barley Tea?

Barley tea, also known as roasted barley tea, is a clear and refreshing beverage popular in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, and China. It is made by steeping roasted barley grains in hot water. The primary ingredient in barley tea is roasted barley, a whole grain with high fiber content. Barley tea has a light and nutty flavor. In Korea, it is called boricha, in Japan, it is known as mugicha, and in China, it is called damai cha or mai cha. Barley tea can be made at home by roasting barley and boiling it in water. It is also available in the form of tea bags or ready-to-brew barley.

Barley tea is a popular and versatile beverage that can be enjoyed in various ways. It can be served hot or cold, and its light flavor makes it a great alternative to traditional teas or other caffeinated beverages. Whether you prefer to make it from scratch or use pre-packaged tea bags, barley tea offers a refreshing and unique taste experience.

To visualize the brewing process of barley tea, here is an image for reference:

Stay tuned for the next section, where we will explore the nutritional content of barley tea and its potential health benefits.

Nutritional Content of Barley Tea

Barley tea is not only a refreshing beverage but also a source of important nutrients that can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Let’s take a closer look at the nutritional content of barley tea.

Calories: Barley tea is naturally low in calories, making it a great choice for those who are watching their calorie intake. A cup of barley tea typically contains around 10-15 calories, depending on the brewing method and any additional ingredients used.

Carbohydrates: As most of the roasted barley grains are removed before brewing, barley tea is also low in carbohydrates. This makes it a suitable option for individuals following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. On average, a cup of barley tea contains only about 2-3 grams of carbohydrates.

Fat: Barley tea is virtually fat-free, which is beneficial for individuals looking to maintain a low-fat diet or manage their weight.

Fiber: While barley itself is high in fiber, the amount of fiber in barley tea is minimal. The roasting process removes most of the barley’s fiber content. However, barley tea can still contribute to your overall dietary fiber intake, albeit in smaller quantities. A cup of barley tea contains approximately 0.5 grams of fiber.

Caffeine-Free: One of the distinct advantages of barley tea is that it is completely caffeine-free. This makes it an excellent choice for those who are sensitive to caffeine or prefer to limit their caffeine consumption.

Antioxidants and Other Nutrients: Barley tea is known to contain antioxidants that can help protect the body against free radicals and oxidative stress. Additionally, barley tea may provide some nutrients found in barley grains, such as vitamins and minerals, though the exact amounts can vary.

barley tea nutrition

Nutrient Amount per Cup (240ml)
Calories 10-15
Carbohydrates 2-3 grams
Fat Negligible
Fiber 0.5 grams
Caffeine None

While barley tea may not be a significant source of certain nutrients, it can still be a healthy and enjoyable addition to your beverage choices. Its lack of caffeine, low-calorie and carbohydrate content, and refreshing flavor make it a great alternative to other sweetened or caffeinated drinks.

Health Benefits of Barley Tea

Barley tea is often associated with various health benefits, although scientific research supporting these claims is limited. Some of the suggested benefits include improved digestion, weight loss support, boosted immune system, prevention of tooth decay, aid for sleep disorders, improved blood circulation, and potential cancer prevention.

Improved Digestion: Barley tea is believed to have properties that can aid in digestion. It may help relieve gastrointestinal discomfort and promote a healthy digestive system.

Weight Loss Support: Barley tea is a low-calorie and caffeine-free beverage that can be included in a weight loss diet. It is a hydrating and satisfying alternative to sugary drinks.

Boosted Immune System: Barley tea contains antioxidants that may help strengthen the immune system and protect against oxidative stress.

Prevention of Tooth Decay: The natural compounds found in barley tea, such as polyphenols, may contribute to oral health by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria and reducing the risk of tooth decay.

Aid for Sleep Disorders: Barley tea is known for its calming properties and is sometimes used as a sleep aid. It can promote relaxation and help improve the quality of sleep.

Improved Blood Circulation: Some studies suggest that the antioxidants present in barley tea may have a positive effect on blood circulation, potentially improving cardiovascular health.

Potential Cancer Prevention: Barley tea contains certain phytochemicals that have been associated with potential anti-cancer properties. However, further research is needed to validate these claims.

While barley tea is often touted for its health benefits, it’s important to note that many of these benefits are associated with the consumption of whole grains like barley, rather than specifically with drinking barley tea. Including barley and other whole grains in your diet may offer similar benefits. More research is needed to fully understand and validate the precise health effects of barley tea.

Side Effects and Considerations

While barley tea is generally considered safe for most people when consumed in moderation, there are a few side effects and considerations to keep in mind.

Gluten in Barley Tea

Individuals with gluten allergies, celiac disease, or sensitivity to gluten should avoid barley tea as it contains gluten. Gluten is a protein found in many grains, including barley, and can cause digestive issues and inflammation for those with gluten-related disorders.

Acrylamide in Barley Tea

Barley tea may contain trace amounts of acrylamide, a chemical compound that forms when grains are heated at high temperatures. Although the impact of acrylamide on human health is still unclear, it’s recommended to minimize its concentration in barley tea.

To reduce acrylamide levels, the barley should be roasted to a dark color and not steeped for an extended period. By following these precautions, you can enjoy a cup of barley tea with lower acrylamide content.

Pregnancy and Barley Tea

Pregnant and lactating individuals should consult with their healthcare providers before consuming barley tea. While barley tea is generally safe, it’s important to ensure that it won’t interfere with any existing pregnancy conditions or medications.

Summary of Side Effects and Considerations

In summary, individuals with gluten allergies or sensitivity, as well as pregnant and lactating individuals, should exercise caution when consuming barley tea. Additionally, it’s advised to be mindful of acrylamide levels in brewed barley tea by roasting the grains adequately and not steeping the tea for too long.

gluten in barley tea

How to Prepare and Enjoy Barley Tea

Barley tea is a versatile and refreshing beverage that can be easily prepared at home. Whether you prefer a traditional method or a quick and convenient option, there are various ways to make and enjoy this caffeine-free drink.

1. Ready-to-Brew Barley Tea or Barley Tea Bags

If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to enjoy barley tea, ready-to-brew barley tea or barley tea bags are a convenient option. Simply follow the instructions on the packaging to have a delicious cup of barley tea in no time. This method is perfect for those who want to skip the preparation process and enjoy the drink right away.

2. Making Barley Tea from Scratch

If you prefer a more hands-on approach and enjoy the process of making your own tea, you can create barley tea from scratch. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:


  • 1 cup of roasted barley grains
  • 4 cups of water


  1. Roast the barley grains in a dry pan over medium heat until they turn golden brown and release a nutty aroma. Be careful not to burn them.
  2. Once roasted, transfer the barley grains to a pot and add the water.
  3. Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to low. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes.
  4. After simmering, remove the pot from the heat and strain the barley tea to remove the grains.
  5. Pour the barley tea into a pitcher or individual cups and let it cool. You can enjoy it warm or refrigerate it for a refreshing cold beverage.

3. Adding Flavor to Barley Tea

While barley tea has a delicious nutty flavor on its own, you can enhance it by adding your favorite flavors:

  • Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to create a refreshing and citrusy twist.
  • Incorporate natural sweeteners like honey or sugar to add a touch of sweetness.
  • Experiment with spices such as cardamom or cinnamon to give it a warm and cozy aroma.

Remember to adjust the flavorings to your preference and taste. Personalizing your barley tea can make it even more enjoyable.

Barley tea is commonly consumed in Asian countries with meals or throughout the day as a caffeine-free alternative to other beverages. Whether you choose to make it from scratch or opt for ready-to-brew options, this flavorful tea is sure to satisfy your taste buds.


Barley tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea enjoyed in Korea, Japan, and China. While scientific evidence supporting its health benefits is limited, it can be a great choice for individuals looking to reduce their caffeine intake or explore natural alternatives to caffeinated beverages.

This refreshing tea has a light and nutty flavor that pairs well with meals or can be enjoyed as a soothing drink throughout the day. Although specific health benefits are still being researched, incorporating barley tea into a balanced lifestyle can be a flavorful addition.

Whether you’re seeking a caffeine-free herbal tea or simply interested in exploring new flavors, barley tea is a versatile option. While it may not have concrete scientific backing for its health claims, it offers a unique taste experience and can be part of a well-rounded beverage rotation. Sip on this delightful infusion and savor the moments of tranquility it brings.


Does Barley Tea Have Caffeine?

No, barley tea is caffeine-free, making it a suitable alternative for those looking for a low-caffeine or caffeine-free beverage.

What is Barley Tea?

Barley tea, also known as roasted barley tea, is a clear and refreshing beverage made by steeping roasted barley grains in hot water. It is popular in Asian countries like Korea, Japan, and China.

What is the Nutritional Content of Barley Tea?

Barley tea is low in calories and carbohydrates. It contains antioxidants and some nutrients found in barley grains, but the amount of fiber is minimal. Barley tea is also caffeine-free.

What Are the Health Benefits of Barley Tea?

While scientific evidence is limited, barley tea has been associated with improved digestion, weight loss support, boosted immune system, prevention of tooth decay, aid for sleep disorders, improved blood circulation, and potential cancer prevention.

Are There any Side Effects or Considerations when Consuming Barley Tea?

Individuals with gluten allergies, celiac disease, or sensitivity to gluten should avoid barley tea as it contains gluten. Barley tea may also contain trace amounts of acrylamide. Pregnant and lactating individuals should consult with their healthcare providers before consuming barley tea.

How Can I Prepare and Enjoy Barley Tea?

Barley tea can be easily prepared at home by roasting barley grains and boiling them in water. Ready-to-brew barley tea or barley tea bags are also available. Barley tea can be enjoyed warm or cold, and some people add lemon, sweeteners like honey or sugar, and spices like cardamom for added flavor.

What Can I Conclude about Barley Tea?

Barley tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea with potential health benefits. While scientific evidence is limited, it can be part of a balanced lifestyle and a suitable alternative to other beverages.

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